Constructing a Bio

Okay, so my professional bio is a lot more sparse than my creative writing bio. I'm supposed to send one in to book chapter people, and after reading everyone else's (which is all 'director of this' and 'president of that' and 'been presenting on this topic around the globe for 15 years', I'm feeling kind of bummed. I can't list my publications & presentations yet because everything's still in the works.

*sigh* I feel like sort of a loser. I was going to say I could never use teh follwing bio, but all of my TwitPeeps liked it:

"Colleen is a chunky library sort who stays at home and writes with her bossy dog on her feet when she's not teaching ungrateful ghetto kids how not to plagiarize their shit or use Wikipedia & Google as scholarly sources. When in doubt of her prowess, she distracts onlookers with her fierce bosoms."

Thanks to tinfoilraccoon for reminding me about my fierce bosoms! And to everyone else for admiring them *grin*

Since that bio has its own brand of awesomeness, I guess. In fact, I'm totally keeping that. Just in case I have a need. Like if I ever become a Librarian Rock Star and can get away with being that irreverent outside of my own small circle of peeps.

Anyway, am considering sending in the one below, which is formatted sort of like the others who have submitted theirs. Whatcha think? Do I sound boring? Does it need more bosom? Or cowbell?

"Colleen S. Harris is an Assistant Professor in reference and instruction at the Lupton Library of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. She holds an MLS (2006) from the University of Kentucky and bachelor's degrees in International Relations and Economics from Centre College, Danville, Kentucky (2001). Her professional interests include information literacy and research training for undergraduate and graduate students, library involvement in student retention, and human resources issues related to academic librarianship. In her free time, Colleen pursues additional graduate degrees, and expects her MFA in Creative Writing from Spalding University in 2009."

Should we take a vote on which one I send in? And should I add mention of the massive tattooage to the first one, or let that be a surprise?


T Scott said…
When I'm asked to speak at a conference, I generally send in a bio similar to your second one -- but I always finish it with the line: "He also leads the international librarian rock band, The Bearded Pigs." It tells me something about the organization if they keep or cut that.
warmaiden said…
I might shoot for something less likely to be offensive then fierce bosoms...maybe a note about my basset hound and his iron paw....
Jason said…
If fierce bosoms are wrong, why bother trying to be right?
Anonymous said…
Okay, that was a smartass comment, but if you want to add a fun interesting tagline to the "straight" bio, how about "She is an avid collector of tattoos"?
warmaiden said…
That's actually not a bad idea at all; will get on that tomorrow when am back here writing. :) Lord, does my mom hate that that's how I'm identified, though *grin*
Anonymous said…
My dad has finally come to accept that I'm remaining gainfully employed in spite of my tattoos. This flies in the face of all his predictions.
Anonymous said…
Just dropping by to say "Hi."
Anonymous said…
This is great info to know.
Anonymous said…
I will not agree on it. I over precise post. Expressly the title attracted me to read the sound story.
Anonymous said…
Nice dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.

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