Centre College of Kentucky: Best College in the South

Merry news from a friend this morning - Centre College, my alma mater, has been named the Best College in the South (note the caps, there) by Forbes.

Article clips, with my commentary:

"...boasts some of the most fiercely loyal alumni in the world...

It's true. You can tell by our giving statistics and by how we'll talk you ear off about the place if you give us half a chance.

"...guarantees graduation within four years--or it will pay for an additional year of tuition-free study."

No, you didn't read that wrong. College is intended to be a four year endeavor. And because of the small and intimate classes, there's no getting locked out of your graduation requirements. My largest class was my freshman humanities class - and I think there were 25 of us. And Centre is proud that it sends its students out to graduate and professional schools, the work force and volunteer efforts. It's less a "get the hell out" than a "please go forth and be productive" thing. I bet Harvard doesn't sniff at stealing your money for another semester when you couldn't get into your classes ;)

"Centre College, founded in 1819, has 1,215 undergraduate students and over 100 faculty members, 98% of which hold the highest degrees in their fields."

There were no teaching assistants. There were no grad assistants, since it's an undergrad school. All the profs I took had the highest degree in their fields, did their own grading, held a ton of office hours, and often has us to their homes and answered their home phones at 10pm if we had personal crises. Most approachable faculty and staff I've ever experienced, and I've been both working and a student in higher ed since I graduated from Centre in 2001.

"In the last decade alone, Centre produced 17 Fulbright Scholars, five Goldwater Scholars, a Rhodes Scholar and a Truman Scholar. Its alumni include two U.S. vice presidents, a chief justice of the United States, 13 U.S. senators, and 43 U.S. representatives."

Heck, even our ordinary grads are doctors, lawyers, librarians. An obscene percentage of Centre College grads get advanced degrees. While I don't know any of the politicos, I can name a number of well-placed Centre folk from my class alone - and we were a class of only 300. Pretty nifty for a teensy weensy school.

Yup, I'm very proud, and happy Centre can add this to its long history of good press! Go Colonels!


Now, Colleen, you know for a fact that those professors take calls well after 10pm!

Seriously though, I remember once I called Dr Keffer at midnight for a question about Dr Vahlkamp's class. When he asked why I hadn't just called Dr Vahlkamp, I told him I figured Dr Vahlkamp would already be asleep! Keffer paused, then he answered my question.

You don't get that anywhere else.

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