Bitchface and Customer Service
Mom: "Stop making that face." Me: "I'm not making a face!" Mom: "You are making a face. Stop it." Me: "Mom, I promise I am not making a face." Mom: "You had better get that face off before I smack it off." Me: "I AM NOT MAKING A FACE THIS IS JUST HOW MY FACE LOOKS." And thus the conversation that occurred on a regular basis from age 8 through...well, I was going to say 18, but it occasionally pops back up, and I'm beyond 30. I suffer from the worst non-health-threatening affliction a public service person can have. (It's not so peachy to deal with in my regular non-work life either, but it has more repercussions in worklife.) My name is Colleen, and I suffer from bitchface. My face, when I am concentrating on something other than how I look to other people (like reading, or spreadsheets, or complicated conversations) falls into an unfortunate cascade of down-turned mouth and frowny-forehead that I simply refer to...