UC DLFx 2018: Defining and Sustaining Digital Collection and Scholarship Services
UC DLFx 2018 Defining and Sustaining Digital Collection and Scholarship Services Zoe Borovsky UCLA), Mary Elings, Erik Mitchell (UCB), Laura Smart (UCI), Carl G. Stahmer (UCD), Stacey Reardon (UCB) Dialogic open space: Panelists will introduce. Framing questions What current use cases demonstrate a need for DS? Who are we missing? Demographics of folks we're serving? How are digital outputs changing our collection and preservation strategies and what changes do we need to make in the future? What additional or redeployed resources and labor will be required to provide necessary services? Are current and imagined services sustainable compared to traditional library services? https://ds.lib.ucdavis.edu/ucdlf has the questionnaire No one definition of digital scholarship, but seeing working with different groups on campus, but not sure how working best with that group. Is this question of expertise or infrastructure that we're providing? Different v...