
Showing posts from April, 2018

IRPE Colloquium: Predicting Graduation for First Time Full-time Freshmen at CSUCI

IRPE Colloquium:  Predicting Graduation for First Time Full-time Freshmen at CSUCI Kristin Jordan (SOC, IRPE) & Jared Barton (ECON) 4/23/18 Where to find info See  this IRPE research brief Characteristics at admission predict graduation: HS GPA, SAT scores, high school curriculum, race/ethnicity, income, parent education. Looking at underrepresented (URM) student achievement gap, income gap (Pell grant or not), first generation college student or not.  Use info at admissions to explain past graduation rates and also to forecast and understand future graduation rates. Goals: examine which characteristics predict student success, and to decompose achievement gaps into what we can explain and what is left unexplained in understanding those gaps. Achievement gap characteristics overstated because students appear in more than one category. Achievement gap characteristics are correlated with other known (positive) predictors of graduation.   ...

Citation Metrics and Altmetrics: A Brief Overview (Computers in Libraries 2018)

Citation Metrics and Altmetrics: A Brief Overview Elaine Lasda, Associate Librarian, University at Albany Proprietory resources: Clairvariate anlytics, Scopus, Plumx (bought by elsevier used by Scopus). When Web of Science isn't enough or available. Free resources (see resource guide online at conference site). Citation/Bibliometric tools. is an open source citation database like scopus, very similar. Copernio one stop document retrieval browser add-on. Clarivate Analytics - vanit yassessment, but can help id hot otpics and bleeding edge of research. Tough to search for specific journal or researcher. Scopus' CiteScore - Journal metric a ratio like the journal impact factor but includes other than scholarly peer reviewed: includes editorials, conference proceedings, review articles. Percentile rank, citation counts, SNP SJR (SNP supposed to correct for disciplinary differences in impact factor, but only thing that corrects for it reall...

"Ruthless Prioritization" at Computers in Libraries #CILDC

Ruthless Prioritization (Track D, Management Tips and Practices) Rebecca Jones Whats's in it for them (WIIFT)? WIIFM (What's in it for me)? See  Manifesto of Ruthless Prioritization Manifesto of Ruthless Prioritization: Prioritization "means falling in love with the organization's mission" and "Ruthless prioritization means having the discipline to solve the big, really hard problem rather than being seduced by all the small, easier problems." Mission: Libraries were created to help people to solve a problem, make a decision, or learn something new. Leaders are not supposed to encourage people. They are supposed to build encouraging environments for their people to work in. (paraphrase of Rebecca Jones) Return on investment: what value for customers i being created? How much time will this take? Estimate a return on investment in terms of your missions for each project. Constraints and dependencies. Whats needs to happen first to allow proje...