Already Planning: November 2010
Looking ahead at the Google calendar I am just started to use rigorously, I can see that November 2010 will be a busy month!
November 5, 2010 is the Brick and Click conference. If you're going (and I hope you are, it's a highly recommended conference by folks I respect and admire), try to stop by and see me. I'll be presenting on "Managing the Multigenerational Library" and on "Leveraging Technology, Improving Service: Streamlining Student Billing Procedures."
Making the month an all-Access bonanza, the 2010 Access Services Conference is November 10-12. I will be attending at least as a committee member (presentations pitched, but we'll see), and am very much looking forward to it, as I've heard that even in it's inaugural year of 2009 it one of the most useful conferences Access folks had attended. It is also relatively close to my home-to-be in Chattanooga, which is a lovely bonus.
And then, of course, Thanksgiving is the 25th, and I have a good friend's wedding up in Ohio on the 27th.
Lots of travel for a homebody like me, but I'm hoping to learn a lot from the two conferences, bring back and bat around some ideas with UTC libraryfolk, and figure what will be useful for us. Busy busy busy!