Digital Humanities Summer Institute #DHSI18 Day 2 [Afternoon] Making Choices About Your Data

Making Choices About Your Data
Digital Humanities Summer Institute #DHSI18 Day 2 Afternoon
Paige Morgan and Yvonne Lam

Find and share datasets at:

  • Figshare
  • Humanities CORE repository
  • Data is Plural
  • Twitter (datset #dataset)
  • GitHub

Data dictionaries
  • a record of what data is and isn't supposed to do, definitions, usage
  • similar to a codebook, used more by folks working with coding languages that define different functions, how was it done in this experiment. Data dictionaries do the same for humanities
  • What are your categories meant to cover?
  • Set of instructions/rules (doesn't need to be a table, can be a list - what to do for each thing, what not to do)
  • see smartdraw,com
For tomorrow: is free, works on Windows and Linux (use 2.8, not the beta)


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