Computers in Libraries: Here We Come!

In a bout of fabulous good news, I got an email from Jane Dysart today confirming a speaking gig Mary Chimato & I pitched for the Computers in Libraries 2010 conference. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, April 14th - we'll be presenting on Track E (Learning: Expanding our Knowledge) at 10:30am. Description of Track and of our preso slot below:

Track E - Learning: Expanding our Knowledge

It's critical for library staff and library patrons to be life-long learners, gaining new understanding and new skills. This track focuses on ways of engaging staff and users in learning activities, leveraging technologies and exciting their minds. Moderated by Jill Hurst-Wahl, Hurst Associates.


E301 Staff Development: Soft Skills, Firm Results

Janie Hermann, Program Coordinator, Princeton Public Library

Colleen Harris, Associate Head, Access & Delivery Services and Mary Chimato, Head, Access & Delivery Services, North Carolina State University Libraries

What does it take to create information fluency in library staff in an increasingly technological environment? How do we best blend the so-called "soft" skills such as teamwork, active listening, and decision-making with the "hard" technical skills expected of today's library staff when we have to train across boundaries of race, gender, age and technical agility? Hermann looks at how, despite diminishing budgets, to hold innovative Staff Development Days and offer other staff development opportunities throughout the year that actively teach technology and other important skills while engaging all staff in the learning process. Harris and Chimato discuss the managerial skills necessary for library staff who must adapt to rapidly changing technologies, and how to help your staff develop and maintain the technical skills your library needs to keep its competitive edge.


So thrilled to be on the same panel as you and Mary! Woot!

And congrats on all the successes in the world of Poetry.
warmaiden said…
Looking forward to meeting you, Janie! (And thanks :) )
Anonymous said…
your CIL2010 talk looks good. I'll be there. I wish I could say the same about many of the others. This conference is really going downhill fast. Such a shame since it has been so helpful for years. I mean seriously, do we really need the same two people making basically the same LibGuides talk three years in a row? We've all seen LibGuides by now. We've all heard the spiel, let's free up space for someone doing something new!
warmaiden said…
Anon - Thank you! I hope you'll find our talk useful. As for freshening up the conference - that's up to the planners, I suppose. I have no control over that, since I'm just a mere applicant to speak who got lucky, but make sure you give the organizers feedback so they know your frustration (I doubt Jane reads my blog *grin*).

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