
Showing posts from 2017

ASIST 2017 Panel: Trust and Information Ethics

Trust and Information Ethics Panel Patient Portals and Human Values  Rachel N. Simons, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Yan Zhang, Bo Xie (UT Austin) Increased adoption of patient portals spurred by pressure from government and insurance companies. Usability cited for lack of patient adoption. UX usually focuses on tasks and requirements, not how values interact with UX. Online tech that requires patient to have access to technology and have online access. Portals usually tethered to health care institutions's existing EHR. Belief that easier access can better engage patients to manage own health. They don't use interactive functions, only log in once. Human values and ICT. Fleischmann et al 2015 ID six salient values. Their approach to deductive content analysis of user studies. Systematic literature search of user studies of patient portals. 52 articles 2005-2015 all user studies of patient UX with portals, not physician studies, not aggregations. Privacy, security, confidentia...

ASIST 2017 Panel: Standards and Best Practices Related to the Publication, Exchange, and Usage of Open Data

ASIST 2017 Panel: Standards and Best Practices Related to the Publication, Exchange, and Usage of Open Data [ abstract here ] Mark Needleman (co-chair ASIST Standards Committee) Intentionally keep a record of NISO votes on the ASIST site, intentionally make public . ASIST site, About, Standards and Toward Best Practices related to publication and exchange and usage of Shareable (not necessarily open) Data Jane Greenberg Data Sharing in open environments. Data sharing advantages - more complete picture, ROI, more data, more experts, data reuse, better insights in to Big Data. Open data: DRYAD, DataOne, DFC, DataNet Federation Consortium, RDA (Research Data Alliance). Examples Standards for open data and data sharing. - editable pages, rich 5.1 on metadata standards for open environment. Not as active: - directory of metadata standards for open data. interdisciplinary, open on github. Came from http://www.dc...

ASIST 2017 Panel: Organizational and Institutional Work in Data Infrastructures

Organizational and Institutional Work in Data Infrastructures 1. Data Archive Sustainability: Science Policy, and Business Model Planning for Social Science Data Archives 1965-2001 (Kalpana Shankar, Kristin Escenfelder, and Rachel Williams) Still up to ears in data and trying to make sense of anything so no grand findings yet. More of a think piece on data archive sustainability. Comparative historical study of six social science data archives. RQs: How have SSDA change how they "do business" over the long term? What factors have encouraged/discouraged that change? How have national level science funding approaches influenced that change? Acquiring documents like memos, board minutes, annual reports, strategic plans, etc. Business models. Lay recognition that data archiving is important thing, can do cool new science in different ways, people starting up dat archives but with little thought to long term and how these things would maintain themselves over a 20-40...

Writing Practice: Considering Goals and Accomplishments

I received an email from a colleague who keeps us all reminded of faculty development opportunities. One of the things she regularly emails about are the regular weekly faculty writing groups that have been established--a way for faculty to set aside time to write alongside colleagues. My personal favorite is the Friday morning silent writing group that history professor and fabulous colleague Dr. Robin Mitchell set up--no discussion, no talking, just a handful of us around the table, plugged in and surrounded by our notes, clattering away at keyboards. It's my preferred way of group writing. Some of the other groups do regular shares or colleague critiques. I find that what I need most is really just the set-aside block of time where I can focus and dive deep for three or four hours. There's no good way to make that happen in my office with the myriad distractions, and I don't like writing from home because pajamas, dog, tv, bed, couch--you get the idea. I need something w...

SJSU Open Access Conference 2017: (Re)Placing Open: Assessing the Current OA Landscape (Afternoon Sessions)

Program Available Here Open Access Publishing in Southeast Asia Zoë McLaughlin ,  University of Michigan - Ann Arbor ASEAN intergovernmental org that tries to foster communication and exchange between Southeast Asian nations. Pulled links to countries in Southeast Asia - regional overview, Indonesia dominates in all indexes, Malaysia and Thailand follow closely. DOJ and ROAD almost same percentage-wise. OpenDoor is different. Varying levels of curation in these different directories and varying levels of self-submission. OA repositories in SE Asia probably not submitting them everywhere. Singapore huge in SCOPUS but not in OA realm. ASEAN citation index like SCOPUS includes journals that are not open access. Thailand, then Malaysia, then Indonesia. Not not necessarily OA. Country specific databases of journals, not all OA but do include OA. Indonesia's Portal Garuda, Malaysian Citation Center, Phillipine E-Journals Thai Journal Citation Index. Case: Indonesia. Ministry...

SJSU Open Access Conference 2017: (Re)Placing Open: Assessing the Current OA Landscape (Morning Sessions)

Full Program Available Here Welcome Address - Dr. Tracy Elliott SJSU repository allows researchers to share more broadly, but also to see more quickly the impact of that research. Opening talk: What is access? Thinking beyond online availability to a more just scholarly communication system   -  Charlotte Roh ,   University of San Francisco Scholcomm at USanFran, she's holding a brownbag around theme "Open in Order To." Successful examples: SPARC website examples, and SciELO, Harvard's DASH repository - comments about media and democracy. MIT's OA Stories. USF respository most downloaded record is a dissertation (repositories usually only the way to get access to theses). Video of John Lewis accepting National Book Award. JOhn Lewis and co-authors won with a graphic novel, first of those nominated to win. Due to belief comic books are inherently bad (Wertham's Seduction of the Innocent - research wrong and librarians enforcing an untruth...

Access 2017: Reflections from a First Timer

First, I want to express how very grateful I am to be one of the two folks who received the Access Conference Diversity Scholarship . The conference doesn't announce our names--the cost of the scholarship does not include you outing yourself, and that struck me as incredibly kind and gracious. Since I outed my disability quite a bit ago, I don't mind saying it here. I never would have been able to afford to attend without the assistance, and the conference is one of the most useful I've attended in my 15 years in libraries. (You can find my session notes here for Day 1 morning , and early and late afternoon, and Day 2 morning , lightning talks, and  afternoon  sessions. I haven't gone back to clean them up yet, so forgive the messiness.) Context Since July 2014, I've served as the Information Literacy Coordinator at my library. This August, I've shifted into a new position as Digital and Data Services Librarian, an area I've harbored interest in (e...

Access 2017 Conference Day 2 Notes Sessions 4-7 #accessYXE

Session 4: IIIF You Can Dream and Not Make Dreams Your Master - IIIF In The Real World - Peter Binkley IIIF (Triple-I Eff) - provides above the tiled image level, a whole presentation level - a book reader like Internet Archive, but manifest itself is a lovely structured package of info about a digitzed object that can be used for different purposes. Useful beyond the eyecandy of slides. See - learn 90% of what you want to know here About 100 participating institutions in IIIF community like Internet Archive, Getty. Also a github/iiif repository and worth looking in there called awesome-iiif which is the community-maintained list of resources and demos and links, etc. Goals of IIIF - provide unprecedented level of uniform and rich access to image-based resources for scholars; define APIs that support interoperability between repositories; provides a world-class user experience in viewing, comparing, manipulating, and annotating images. Annotating - very exciting!...