Internet Librarian 2010: Mobile content
By Megan Fox ( no not that one)
Data access surpasses voice on mobile phones. People want access more than talk. Mobile access bound to surpass pc in next 5 years. Games, followed by news, maps, weather, sports, movies are the content people are using. Hundreds of li braries have made mobile apps or mobile websites.
Not everything needs to be mobile. Hours, locations, maps, catalog, track checked out items, etc. Place holds, renew. NCSU mobile site in addition to standard, can see rooms and computer availability and have a web am on the coffee line, blackboard university apps. Boopsie is what many library mobile sites used.
Description of what libraries are using them for, more listing school by school. III allows mobile, among other vendors, sirsidynix, world cat, etc. Librarians also developing own interfaces for catalog - tricolleges for iii catalog, library thing's library anywhere.
Federated mobile web search tools, you can include your catalog as one of the sources that gets searched. In addition to basic catalog, users also looking for database access to specialized research tools. Wilsonweb recently introduced text to voice, and planning to have text to speech converter to avoid small screen issues. Refworks has a mobile interface, and free zotero. Ebsco was one of the first to offer mobile, which is good since we usually buy more than one ebsco item. Reports claim that. Folks use it for searching and marking, but not actually clicking through to articles, one percent view full text on mobile as opposed to 77% on pc.
Newest .content offering is sciverse. Libguides has launched mobile interface with almost all of the content items of real interface, though meebo widget doesn't work well. Small mobile collections are being created for an app on mobile web. Audiobooks, language courses, streaming, etc. Safari recently optimized for mobile ebooks. Harvard libraries mobile site actually includes "mobile research" not just basic reference, deeper level of engagement.
Users are going beyond library service to get their content. Only .5 to one percent is going through library site, so need to check app stores for reference, finance, health, etc for high quality resources. iTunes or droid market. Getjar is nondenominational and has second most apps after iTunes.
Your specific device enhances your content and search. Search is no longer complex boolean or a single idiot box like google. Mobile device reduces need for traditional search, you don't need to know what you're looking for.
Texting still matters.
Cha cha, google, yahoo, KGB all textable reference. Traditional search engines, google far surpasses all, then yahoo and bing. Google's universal search works as ready reference.
Voice and audio: google voice search,update Facebook by voice, etc. Shoutout is speech to text application, speak it 2.0 allows users to playback text messages, docs, articles, etc. Dragon search app. Dragon has been doing voice recognition for many years, powers a lot of the major engines. Aside from voice, touchscreen and accelerometer. Motion and gesture now count. Yahoo has a sketchasearch, you can circle a spot on a map. Another gesture way of sharing content is bump. Paypal has licensed bump, you can pay by bumping your phone against another. Magic 8 ball for book recommendations, a lot of fun and using new capabilities of devices.
Library locations, AAA discounts by location application, google results in search box affected by location; also the 'near me now' button and 'in stock' option due to linking into inventory systems. Public transit now adding mobile apps for what is near you (find home).
Beside location, visual: interaction via cameras. Searching visually is mainstream now with camera, qr code. Translations, etc. Omoby google goggles, barcode readers (redlaser), can put library barcode onto mobile device, cardstar can do it for Ll of your cards. Qr codes are enhanced barcodes holding much information. Gravestones and fast foo din japan use qr codes. When groceries picked, gap coupons, lousiville zoo has on animal cages, Facebook. Integrating them to users, on business cards, etc. Copy of books with qr codes in margins to supplement the text. Qr codes added to catalog, qr codes in stacks rerouting catalog for more info. Scavenger hunts using qr codes, marketing for library using qr codes, qr codes by blog taking you to reference SMS. Target has. Coupon campaign via qr code, and star bucks allow gift cards via phone. Google has integrAted qr codes into url shortened.
Another aspect of visual is augmented reality, a layer of extra info or enriched content over real image. Hours of store over image of don't store, links to wikipedia entered via wikitube (?). Google maps uses for street view, zagat to go puts info on restaurants over physical view. Map overlaid with driving instructions and upcoming locations. Nc state has the wolf walk, an augmented tour of campus for user with archival photos, pics of buildings that used to be there, etc, all location aware.
Search is actually third after bookmarks, urls, and something else. Mobiel used to be for fast quick snippets, but now moving to deeper searching, during downtime folks browse and discover. Not because of specific reference need, casual browsing. Not Wally searching becAuse they don't know what they are looking for. We are back to incidental search of serendipity, not keyword searching. This is more driven by social contacts and social searching. Morel about discovery than just searching for a particular answer or an explicit need. Real time. Push notification based on location specific information. Built on social and contextual analytics and filtering, personal, geo, and social footprint drives the systems.
Social augmented reality. Socialight. Augmented id. Picture of person brings up profiles, accounts, etc., layering that information on top of reality. Floaticons float around reality, aimed at social interactions with place. Augmented humanity should become regular search, adding human intelligence to how. We are searching and the answers we get. Looking at w3c potential standards.
YouTube video examples of how folks are marketing aimed at users. Definitely get the online slides for this presentation, some great data here. Google is going mobile first for their future development.
Data access surpasses voice on mobile phones. People want access more than talk. Mobile access bound to surpass pc in next 5 years. Games, followed by news, maps, weather, sports, movies are the content people are using. Hundreds of li braries have made mobile apps or mobile websites.
Not everything needs to be mobile. Hours, locations, maps, catalog, track checked out items, etc. Place holds, renew. NCSU mobile site in addition to standard, can see rooms and computer availability and have a web am on the coffee line, blackboard university apps. Boopsie is what many library mobile sites used.
Description of what libraries are using them for, more listing school by school. III allows mobile, among other vendors, sirsidynix, world cat, etc. Librarians also developing own interfaces for catalog - tricolleges for iii catalog, library thing's library anywhere.
Federated mobile web search tools, you can include your catalog as one of the sources that gets searched. In addition to basic catalog, users also looking for database access to specialized research tools. Wilsonweb recently introduced text to voice, and planning to have text to speech converter to avoid small screen issues. Refworks has a mobile interface, and free zotero. Ebsco was one of the first to offer mobile, which is good since we usually buy more than one ebsco item. Reports claim that. Folks use it for searching and marking, but not actually clicking through to articles, one percent view full text on mobile as opposed to 77% on pc.
Newest .content offering is sciverse. Libguides has launched mobile interface with almost all of the content items of real interface, though meebo widget doesn't work well. Small mobile collections are being created for an app on mobile web. Audiobooks, language courses, streaming, etc. Safari recently optimized for mobile ebooks. Harvard libraries mobile site actually includes "mobile research" not just basic reference, deeper level of engagement.
Users are going beyond library service to get their content. Only .5 to one percent is going through library site, so need to check app stores for reference, finance, health, etc for high quality resources. iTunes or droid market. Getjar is nondenominational and has second most apps after iTunes.
Your specific device enhances your content and search. Search is no longer complex boolean or a single idiot box like google. Mobile device reduces need for traditional search, you don't need to know what you're looking for.
Texting still matters.
Cha cha, google, yahoo, KGB all textable reference. Traditional search engines, google far surpasses all, then yahoo and bing. Google's universal search works as ready reference.
Voice and audio: google voice search,update Facebook by voice, etc. Shoutout is speech to text application, speak it 2.0 allows users to playback text messages, docs, articles, etc. Dragon search app. Dragon has been doing voice recognition for many years, powers a lot of the major engines. Aside from voice, touchscreen and accelerometer. Motion and gesture now count. Yahoo has a sketchasearch, you can circle a spot on a map. Another gesture way of sharing content is bump. Paypal has licensed bump, you can pay by bumping your phone against another. Magic 8 ball for book recommendations, a lot of fun and using new capabilities of devices.
Library locations, AAA discounts by location application, google results in search box affected by location; also the 'near me now' button and 'in stock' option due to linking into inventory systems. Public transit now adding mobile apps for what is near you (find home).
Beside location, visual: interaction via cameras. Searching visually is mainstream now with camera, qr code. Translations, etc. Omoby google goggles, barcode readers (redlaser), can put library barcode onto mobile device, cardstar can do it for Ll of your cards. Qr codes are enhanced barcodes holding much information. Gravestones and fast foo din japan use qr codes. When groceries picked, gap coupons, lousiville zoo has on animal cages, Facebook. Integrating them to users, on business cards, etc. Copy of books with qr codes in margins to supplement the text. Qr codes added to catalog, qr codes in stacks rerouting catalog for more info. Scavenger hunts using qr codes, marketing for library using qr codes, qr codes by blog taking you to reference SMS. Target has. Coupon campaign via qr code, and star bucks allow gift cards via phone. Google has integrAted qr codes into url shortened.
Another aspect of visual is augmented reality, a layer of extra info or enriched content over real image. Hours of store over image of don't store, links to wikipedia entered via wikitube (?). Google maps uses for street view, zagat to go puts info on restaurants over physical view. Map overlaid with driving instructions and upcoming locations. Nc state has the wolf walk, an augmented tour of campus for user with archival photos, pics of buildings that used to be there, etc, all location aware.
Search is actually third after bookmarks, urls, and something else. Mobiel used to be for fast quick snippets, but now moving to deeper searching, during downtime folks browse and discover. Not because of specific reference need, casual browsing. Not Wally searching becAuse they don't know what they are looking for. We are back to incidental search of serendipity, not keyword searching. This is more driven by social contacts and social searching. Morel about discovery than just searching for a particular answer or an explicit need. Real time. Push notification based on location specific information. Built on social and contextual analytics and filtering, personal, geo, and social footprint drives the systems.
Social augmented reality. Socialight. Augmented id. Picture of person brings up profiles, accounts, etc., layering that information on top of reality. Floaticons float around reality, aimed at social interactions with place. Augmented humanity should become regular search, adding human intelligence to how. We are searching and the answers we get. Looking at w3c potential standards.
YouTube video examples of how folks are marketing aimed at users. Definitely get the online slides for this presentation, some great data here. Google is going mobile first for their future development.