Access Services 2010: Keynote, Tim Daniels

Tim Daniels, Manager for Lyrasis Technology Services, formerly assistant state librarian for technology and infrastructure at Gergila Public Library Service. Cloud, content and discovery.

Has had a lot of jobs, doesn't mean he cant keep a job :) he doesn't know a lot about access services other than coolest job in library that no one else gets to do, we get to say no! A great access services head is the one thing you must have because they mMs everything work. If someone is not willing to draw the line and enforce rules with some logic and balance, it can go bad fast, so critical to have that layer of folks on the desk. As he was looking at technologies and how we would apply them, better to talk about what he'll talk about, then discuss how it applies to our situations.

Gartner Hype cycle. The gartner group studies technology, writes four page reports and charge five thousand dollars. One of things they developed was Gartner Hype cycle. Chart that shows for any given technology, a rise of populArity of a given technology until people realize it doesn't solve every problem, then it falls into trough of despair, some techs fade Way, some come to a plateau where it is usable. Like blogs, we had to have them everywhere, but now...doesn't serve all of the problems and has settled out as communication tools. Garnter just came out with new cycle yesterday. Pasted new hype cycle over old one (tech probs, no. Slide). Cloud idea at top and ready to start falling. Idea of broadband through electricity lines tanked before it got to any certain level. Head of Galileo had called him to forward a guy who had issue with public libraries. The issue was that guy thought there were hackers using broadband over power lines to get into his library account so he would have overdue fines, became global conspiracy. He had assumed hacking was broadband over power line. That tech had tanked, so we are all safe, hahaha.

"if there are such things as angels, i hope they are organized along the lines of the mafia."

Newspaper from forties or fifties, predicted that people would. Record television and have video library, tapes would reproduce thread immersions, and TVA would be shallow as pictures. It took a lot of timem to happen. Projection of microfilm books to ceiling at home. Neat look at how some techs evolve as we think, but not in some cases. Horizon report on technologies, timem to adoption, etc. Mobile imputing, open content, ebooks, augmented reality. Assumed students would bring own laptops. They have them, but they don't want to carry. At what point does it get too onerous for us. When you went to lib school, did you think you'd be managing tech for a living? Tim Spalding of library thing had said public libraries would be obsolete in ten years due to ebooks. What will technology evolution past augmented reality look like? Glasses you plug into iPod like a visual field screen. RFID and augmented reality overlay, student can look at collection with augmented reality layer, here is book, here is synopsis, here is online version, and they don't have to have laptop or major handheld computing device with em. Far future, good potential. Guy at Georgia tech is ultimate in wearable technology,.cylindrical keyboard, etc.

Roger's innovation curve. Innovators, early adopters, etc. Conscientious rejectors vs early adopters. What does it all meant us? These are indications of what our users want. WhT does it mean and how does it affect our decision making? Until tech jumps chasm from early adopter to early majority, is still experimental. Needs to make that jump to something people take seriously. Keep in mind where the new technologies fit. You don't want to jump in too early. When we talk about offering services, may be better to wait for implementation. Cloud computing is big deal. What does that mean? Delivery of scalable IT resources over the Internet. You can expand or contract as much as you need. As library, subscribe to cloud service, you have content up there, tomorrow you need more storage space, you call cloud provider and say you need another hundred gigs, they charge you done. Very elastic idea, cuts down on IT overhead because expandable or. Contractable to. Your need. Think about it with digital collections. All the cloud is is servers somewhere with storage space and services on it. As libraries we are used to subscribing to things, why not IT. Upside, application is always available. Downside is will service always be there? Is this company long term? Software as a service, applications living in the cloud that you get access to. Google docs, zoho. Public libraries are talking about this. Thirty public acces machines, how to you keep up with patches? Depends on broadband connectivity, remote administration, patch and update management. Means users dont have to have disks or thumdrives because can get to solely with web access. Uptime, fewer hard ware purchases. Also means you're not paying for software license, makes it better and more usable model. Virtualization: build your own cloud in back and service your machines that way. Have software on central server, if you don't do this, lifetime of a machine is five to. Seven years, with virtualization, takes life up to ten years.

So we should put everything in cloud? Not exactly. Campus technologies, miracle, then cloud? IT guys have diff ways they think it works. Hardware and software not completely defined. wMS, records are then not yours, you're not buying them you're subscribing to them. What happens if you switch vendor? Apple model...application development in conjunction with software. Call up oclc, can i do x? Yeah here's an app for that! Heh. Ex, acquisitions hooked to amazon through firefox. Tell you how much you spent on that budget line, how much you've spent, and updates real time as you add items to cart. Great application of cloud services for libraries. Skyriver vs oclc.

Think about content. Open u iversity stuff, MITs big bank of free online classes, courseware and content, electronic resources. Cloud of services, then cloud of content, how do you make them talk? Google scholar has been talking to OCLC about partnering. Google university, they have digital access to content and courses. Get your degree from google. Campuses moving to google services. Columbus state in GA did this, whoe, campus is google. You sign up with google, students get email rough google, access to google suite of tools, and certain price but is modest, and they runn all your back end services for you. Students get gmail account branded for your university. Instead of IT wasting time managing email system, can develop apps for android. Smart phones scan student ids as their Id in the system, can check out books, buy stuff. Students showing you their proof of schedule as pictures on their iPhones. Putting all of this stuff into one basket. Are you comfortable with that? Oclc, need to make sure patron data isn't stored in another country. In georgia public board of regents you are not allowed by lAw to store patron data out of state. SmarTech is georgia states digital repository. Itu es content, podcasts, free and paid for. Itunes university. Overdrive is an audio download service, now work with iPod. Overdrive trying to link ebooks with e- audio content, to sync so left off listening, can pick up reading. Working with android and iphone for app development. Real time coordination. State libraries handle services for blind, how does that impact all the audiobooks they send out? When does it become redundant for federal government to develop and manage audio content when they could just grant to those services and send them overdrive subscriptions?

His wife is a medical librarian, and they don thane faculty but actual docs, who don't want to use ebooks. They are looking at
Atron driven acquisition for ebooks, so if docs want, they will buy. What ramifications does that have for access services if patron gets book, then returns it, how flow back through system to become available to others? How does it turn back into something someone else will use? Discovery layer is new buzz, now that we know federated searching doesn't work the way we wanted it to. Doesn't matter ils on back end because you can shape front end that pResents the data from all of your systems.ebsco discovery system, summon, vufind, Primo, III's Encore, Proquests library for k12 and community colleges. Talking about OLE very academic focused open source ils. But if you have a good discovery layer, does it matter what your back end is? Interoperability, must work with everything. Barcode scanner, phone will tell you availability, prices, etc. Book scans to world cat and tells you public libraries with the holding. Self checkout via phones right in the stacks. Will it be able to disable security? Heh. You wouldn't need security gates!

Ereaders. iPad, only other tech that came close to four point five million units in first three months was DVD player, which was far less. You're not even cool since everyone has one! Tablet type tech will have legs and stay with us for a while. Think about it as libraries, do we want to be in business of managing technology or managing the content and making sure content is accessible and available on whatever tech the user brings to us? big Question.

Nicholas Carr, 'Does IT Matter?' with the developments in cloud computing and remote resources, does it behoove company to focus resources on internal IT or can they farmm that out and go back to the business of their actual business instead of sinking budget into IT. Can outsource that and go back to their actual business, consumes so much attention they are not paying attention to other things. Can better balance reserves and focus. Especially as this technology matures. Hosted solutions are a lot less headache. Not only what impact lf tech on day to day, and would you totally do away with IT? Probably not. What can you let someone else manage for you? What can you let go? (this could be a great discussion on delegation at the macrolevel). at end of day, is about community and how we develop our community as to what techs we should focus on, what things we should keep and manage and what things we can let go. We're doing less with less, do you want to do less services or less IT management? Tim Daniels Tim.Daniels at lyrasis dot org.

Do you see us having the accountability issues we have with our library accounts now? He thinks oclc and open source will help change that attitude. Curreent ills vendor market don't let you build community and have partnership development. More community and more they will allow you develop for it, the better off.

Audience question, "where do mobile phones fit in here?" it'll go huge. Remember back in the say when we created our first library websites or gopher text sites? First things we put up were tour, address, hours, etc. What do we look to our sites for? To provide patron access to the data we have. Mobile phones, ipads, qr codes, will all mature to the point we don't see it as testing for easy pr, but actually providing serious access since folks live in that environment. We will develop our services to that end.


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