Access Services 2010: Session VII InterLibrary Loan and Doc Delivery

When Access Starts with Interlibrary Loan/ Document Delivery by James Harper

Access starts with acquisition... Unless the library wont buy it, then it starts with interlibrary loan. Where is ILL going, where does it need to go, how do we ge there? i'Ll is playing a big role in collection development, serving larger percentage of population, leveragigpower of consortiums. Striving to close the gap between discovery and delivery, expand the types of services delivered, diminis heffect of location and or ownership and acess for between branches, enlist. Rest of ADS in these pursuits.

Interesting statistics. 2001-2 was eleven percent of population. Last year, served twenty one percent of population, 6579 differetpatrons. Amount o fundergrads usigill and docdelivery growing in the same period. i'Ll used ot be only open to grad students and faculty through an oclc terminal and it took forever to get hints. Distance learners and extension personnel grown from 1084 to 4425 for use of services. Try to make them ot at a disadvantage just because they are at a distance. 50 -60% of what is sent to those folks is in collection, so it is tpstrit doc delivery.

Role in collection development. Old model of collection management is ot working any more, especially since we dot have as much money to buy what we want, so we are looking at it as a patron driven model. Since 2004, books on demand. If an ILL request meets criteria, they buy it. Call number range excludes areas that have specific call number ranges for grants. Account with baker and taylor gobi and amazon. 305 monographs ordered since 2004. Screen shot. Of ILLIad, link out to search gobi and can buy it from that screen. Consortially get rid of duplicating collections, they isolated a number of journal titles, combined for complete run, then a library elsewhere recycled their own. Saves shelf space. Part of agreement is that patrons wont suffer because of this, trln single copy task group.

Searchers do not distinguish between discovery and delivery, and delivery is the important part ot users. For many users, discovery alone is a waste of time. One of our challenges is bridging d to d gap. Ncsu. Allows. That every monograph has a request button. (geography of the forehead book of. Poems). Book checked out, can place hold on ncsu copy, or can ILL the item. Unc system uses two day ups, super fast delivery, way faster than waiting for item to be returned. See delivery options, and for distance students, that request goes to ILL who then fedexes or ups to distance learners.

Leveraging consortiums, trln andunc library express are their best. Catalog offers chance to search pac, world cat local, consortial catalog. In local have group catalog, so they can check availability of other unc schools in the system. They moved from sfx to serial solutions, so all databases have find text at ncsu button. At point nof discovery, gives you options for delivery. If article avail full text, link 360 helps you bridge gap. Tripsaver is their document delivery, even if owned they will deliver. Tripsaver is. i'Ll if not owned, campus book delivery from branches or out to distance, and doc delivery. Student only cares where it comes form only in terms of ho wrong it takes to get to them. Differentiaiting between doc delivery and ILL doesn't mean anything to students, it's just confusing to them and they don't care. Tripsaver form is populated.

Currently working on, building large new library; going directly from lender to patron, for distance folk. Right now, distance lives in charlotte, they want a book Charlotte has. Charlotte send to Raleigh, ncsu. Sends to charlotte to patron, patron returns to Raleigh, who then sends it back to Charlotte. Logistics is problematic. Crosstraining rest of ads staff to do interlibrary loan. Tripsaver has chat service, but only available 7-6 moon through friday, but want it available all the time. Need ads staff to answer those kinds of questions. Users don't think of divisions within departments and units. Faculty office delivery is costly, but wanted, especially with 2 million vols in new library facility. Or need free doc delivery.


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