Access Services 2010: Session V
You Want Us to do What? Practical, Data Driven Planning and Decisionmaking For Access Services by John Miller-Weels, Wendy Begay, and Robyn Huff-Eibl
They restricture frequently. Access and info services is traditional stacks, microform, govdocs, but not reserves. Now reference, portions of interlibrary koan and doc delivery. 32 staff and over 100 students. University of Arizona Tucson. Many services in one unit across many sites. Staff always saying "you want us to do what?" why bit her with needs assessment, resources involved, technology used, sources of data, tools they use, how. All of this feeds into outcomes and create an environmental scan doc ument and how that kids into strategic plan document, how it ends up with happy users.
Why data driven planning, why needs assessment? In the past decades with shrinking budgets, increased pressure om libraries ot maintain or cut costs while increasing variety and quality of services offered. Focus services that bring value while supporting education and research. Needs assessment, outcomes provide accountability and critical for org survival. Seventeen of twenty years they have had budget cuts. (slides with lots of text). Needs assessment and ebal allow door data based planning anddecisionmaking, not a one time effort but continual. Doesn't have to be scientific and statistically valid. Can create trend analyses. For ors to. Be successful with current and future needs, importance of continual assessment, culture of assessment, climate of assessment. We cant assume we know what is best for users without asking them or watching them.
Align strategic plan at library level with team and department level, and individual level for those with performance management responsibilities. They. Focus on. Customer as why and how they will stay relevant. Assessment, evaluation and planning cycle per slide. EnGge with various groups on campus, who appreciate transparency. Support library fee for students, andtell them where the money goes, which stakeholders support. Certain positions have responsibilities solely dedicated to data collection and statistics output. Overally. .55 FTE dedicated to numbers. Always look at customer activity as a source of info in planning, from ils, gate counts, shelving stats, specific service numbers fo ereserves, number and types of questions asked at service desks. Data is useful but incomplete, did not include customer's voices.
So, do library report ca linked off. Of main website, simple feedback form, comments and questions reviewed and answered each month. Many questions about library processes and services. Started to review and collect in 2002 after noticing recurring themes. Libqual each spring, sent to. Large sample of campus community via email, tool focuses on big library wide issues. Library services survey on management of equipment, staffing. And spaces through survey monkey, linked from public machines. Observational data gathering, like info commons headcount done one week per month, use of computers, laptops, study rooms, collaborative spaces. Overnight building headcount number per floor, number in group study rooms during safety walkthroughs. Knowing spread of people throughout building was useful because not there to use the stacks but the computers, rooms, etc.. Based on info gathered from headcount and building counts, seeing changed in behavior in info commons, using collaborative spaces more, computers less, laptops more, etc. Info collected at desks from service staff constantly, report unmet customer needs. Also surveys and focus groups usually tied to project or specific service. Found they could check out surge protectors, etc. Can net books meet student needs as well but cheaper?
Checking the data. In terms of all this collected information, staff conference summaries, webinars, listservs and benchmarking institutions,
They restricture frequently. Access and info services is traditional stacks, microform, govdocs, but not reserves. Now reference, portions of interlibrary koan and doc delivery. 32 staff and over 100 students. University of Arizona Tucson. Many services in one unit across many sites. Staff always saying "you want us to do what?" why bit her with needs assessment, resources involved, technology used, sources of data, tools they use, how. All of this feeds into outcomes and create an environmental scan doc ument and how that kids into strategic plan document, how it ends up with happy users.
Why data driven planning, why needs assessment? In the past decades with shrinking budgets, increased pressure om libraries ot maintain or cut costs while increasing variety and quality of services offered. Focus services that bring value while supporting education and research. Needs assessment, outcomes provide accountability and critical for org survival. Seventeen of twenty years they have had budget cuts. (slides with lots of text). Needs assessment and ebal allow door data based planning anddecisionmaking, not a one time effort but continual. Doesn't have to be scientific and statistically valid. Can create trend analyses. For ors to. Be successful with current and future needs, importance of continual assessment, culture of assessment, climate of assessment. We cant assume we know what is best for users without asking them or watching them.
Align strategic plan at library level with team and department level, and individual level for those with performance management responsibilities. They. Focus on. Customer as why and how they will stay relevant. Assessment, evaluation and planning cycle per slide. EnGge with various groups on campus, who appreciate transparency. Support library fee for students, andtell them where the money goes, which stakeholders support. Certain positions have responsibilities solely dedicated to data collection and statistics output. Overally. .55 FTE dedicated to numbers. Always look at customer activity as a source of info in planning, from ils, gate counts, shelving stats, specific service numbers fo ereserves, number and types of questions asked at service desks. Data is useful but incomplete, did not include customer's voices.
So, do library report ca linked off. Of main website, simple feedback form, comments and questions reviewed and answered each month. Many questions about library processes and services. Started to review and collect in 2002 after noticing recurring themes. Libqual each spring, sent to. Large sample of campus community via email, tool focuses on big library wide issues. Library services survey on management of equipment, staffing. And spaces through survey monkey, linked from public machines. Observational data gathering, like info commons headcount done one week per month, use of computers, laptops, study rooms, collaborative spaces. Overnight building headcount number per floor, number in group study rooms during safety walkthroughs. Knowing spread of people throughout building was useful because not there to use the stacks but the computers, rooms, etc.. Based on info gathered from headcount and building counts, seeing changed in behavior in info commons, using collaborative spaces more, computers less, laptops more, etc. Info collected at desks from service staff constantly, report unmet customer needs. Also surveys and focus groups usually tied to project or specific service. Found they could check out surge protectors, etc. Can net books meet student needs as well but cheaper?
Checking the data. In terms of all this collected information, staff conference summaries, webinars, listservs and benchmarking institutions,
Wendy will cover tools and methodology used to analyze the different data from different sources. Nvivo for qualitative software, survey monkey, excel for quant data and charts, they purchased lib pas library data management created by Counting Opinions.
Quant and qual data collected from customer feedback and various surveys. Twice per year, provide an overview. Of all the data they manage, what it means, picture painted. Presented to team and library wide. Nvivo 9 is qual analysis software, all comments dumped here. Atlas ti also available. Allows to create corsstabs, do text searches, etc. With 2700 comments this fiscal year alone, need somewhere to start.
Going over tools like nvivo, survey monkey.